Thursday, March 5, 2009

It has been a while since I posted last. My life is busy, what can I say? Last night my husband was complaining that he hasn't seen his wife. Our older girls just had birthdays which means the various annual/bi-annual doctor appointments--pediatrician, optometrist, dentist. In order to take them, I go in to work late and fortunately I can adjust my schedule and make up the time instead of using the litte sick/vacation time I have. I don't have much due to exhausting it when I had the baby. BUT that means I don't have time to breathe, let alone cuddle with hubby.

Anyhow, I digress. Work has been stressful as usual. The kid I spoke about who was going to court in my last entry did go to court and he was sentenced to 4 years. However, he was put in an early release program and he already has over a year served. His goal is to get his GED then go to college when he gets out. I believe he can do it. I knew he was leaving so I let him use a phone call certificate to call home. His mom was crying. He was trying not to. I was trying not to. He spoke with his brother, telling him how the streets aren't worth and to not let them destroy his life. This little brother has already had a visit with us and is struggling to stay out of trouble. His mom told him to thank me for helping him while he has been here. He told her to tell me herself and gave the phone to me. I don't deal well with crying kids let alone crying parents. It was everything I had to not let the tears start streaming down my face. I cared about this kid and what happened to him. Then he told me "I don't want to leave you, Ms. C." This has been his home for over a year. He is scared even though this is his second trip to youth services. He left.

I had another of my GED kids come in one day. I, of course, had left early to take my sick daughter to the pediatrician because her teacher thought she might have upper respiratory influenza, which another kid in her class had come down with. It ended up being a cold and a minor ear infection which he did not even want to give her antibiotics for. So frustrating. This kid came back to tell me he passed his GED and was enrolled in the community college. I am so proud of him.

We held the Official GED Practice Test. 13 youth took it. 4 passed. That is pretty good for our kids. One left for youth services the very next morning. Another was just here from youth services to testify. He was the A10 kid who got 4 years who I spoke of last time. He left the next afternoon. He was so proud. He called home and told his mom "I accomplished something big, Mom." One will be being released next week and he will take it on the outs. Another is taking a plea to do adult time and he will be doing it in the adult jail. I've already talked to the examiner.

I had to watch a kid get patted down and handcuffed by sheriff deputies yesterday. I have seen plenty of kids handcuffed and patted down, but not usually by cops. He was another GED kid who had gotten bound over. It was hard to watch. I left so I wouldn't cry.

On my way to my car the other day, I saw a cruiser from one of the better communities turning down our sally port street with a tiny kid in the back. I knew he was coming to us. I was right. The next morning I checked the court list and there he was. A ten year old in on domestic violence. I had just told someone the youngest I currently had was 12--I was wrong. But he did get released at prelims. We have another little one right now. He is twelve but a very little twelve and this isn't his first time here. He is so adorable you just want to squeeze him! I hate when I pull up admission sheets and the school listed is an elementary school. Jail is not the place for elementary kids.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say I give you props for what you do! I want to work with kids as well, just in a different setting. I couldn't handle it when I couldn't do something to help because of rules of the job. My goal is to get my business to where I can help with more freedom.

    I have a blog as well, come by and say hi anytime :) at

